How to Perform Basic Keyword Research for SEO

Keyword research is like a treasure hunt, but instead of looking for gold or gems, you’re looking for the best words or phrases people use when searching online for something your website offers. This process helps you understand what search terms have search demand, allowing you to create content and optimize your website using the right keywords so it shows up when people search for something on Google. 

The goal of basic keyword research is to create a list of keywords for your SEO strategy. Overall, this task is not complicated; you just need to identify the keywords you want to be found for. For simple sites, one list may be enough. However, in large and competitive niches, you’ll need at least two lists: primary keywords and additional keywords, grouped by common traits for long-tail promotion. 

Depending on your niche, keyword research may be an ongoing process; you’ll need to periodically update the lists by adding new keywords and removing outdated ones. Therefore, you don’t have to complete everything at once. To begin your first keyword research, you should understand your niche. If you are optimizing a site for your business or hobbies, you can generate a long list of search queries that users might use without much difficulty. In contrast, an SEO specialist would need to study the niche: what the website is about, the target audience, and their problems or needs. 

If you have already added your website to the Google Search Console, check the ‘queries‘ tab on the ‘Performance‘ page. These are the queries you are already ranked, so considering them is a good idea. 

If your website has no search traffic, start with a brainstorming session to generate a list of seed keywords. These are the core terms that represent your niche. Think about the main topics your website covers and your products or services. It’s also helpful to look at competitors’ websites for inspiration. Seed keywords are the starting point for expanding and discovering more specific terms.

While creating your first keyword list, identify what keywords should be excluded. For example, avoid words like “free” or “cheap” if you don’t offer free or low-cost services. Similarly, if your business specializes in repairing vintage cars, targeting keywords such as “2020 car repair” would be irrelevant. By defining what your services do not cover, you can focus your keyword research more effectively and attract the right audience. For instance, if you have a vintage Porsche repair shop, your seed keywords would be “Vintage Porsche,” “Classic Porsche,” “Porsche Restoration,” and “Porsche repair“. In contrast, your negative keywords would be anything related to modern Porsches. 

Leverage keyword research tools to broaden your list of seed keywords and uncover new opportunities. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz Keyword Explorer, Ubersuggest, and LowFruits provide data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and related keyword suggestions. You can generate a comprehensive list of potential keywords to target by inputting your seed keywords into these tools.

Competitor analysis is a vital part of keyword research. By examining what keywords your competitors are ranking for, you can gain insights into their strategies and identify opportunities for your own website. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush allow you to see the keywords your competitors are targeting.

While high-volume keywords are important, also note the long-tail keywords. These are longer, more specific phrases with lower search volumes but usually have higher conversion rates. Long-tail keywords are typically less competitive and more targeted, making them valuable for attracting highly relevant traffic to your site. Use keyword research tools to find long-tail keywords related to your seed keywords and incorporate them into your content strategy.

After collecting your keywords, organize them into groups based on the primary keyword, theme, or topic. An organized list will help you plan your content strategy and ensure that you cover all relevant aspects of your niche. Sort your keywords based on relevance to your audience and importance for your website. Conduct a keyword analysis to determine which keywords to prioritize in your SEO strategy. This doesn’t mean you have to eliminate all hard-to-rank keywords but rather understand where to focus your efforts.

To conclude, basic keyword research is essential for effective SEO, ensuring your content aligns with what your audience is searching for.